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This wingless flying taxi can speed up to 230 km / h

Israel-based Urban Aeronautics has secured $ 10 million to develop the “CityHawk”, a hydrogen-powered flying car capable of carrying up to 6 passengers.

Technology 26 Sep, 2021 by Techvisit 2107

Sex With Glass App Will Allow You to See Yourself Having Sex.

when you and your partner are getting down to it, don your Glass, say "ok glass it's time" and when you're done say "ok glass, pull out".

Technology 25 Sep, 2021 by Techvisit 1510

Apple is opposed to the EU's proposals to create a universal charging connector for all devices.

Proposals to mandate USB-C ports might minimize electronic waste and save EU customers money.

Gadgets 25 Sep, 2021 by Techvisit 2596

This solar caravan allows you to escape all health dictatorships

With the Living Vehicle 2022, it will no longer be necessary to go to the campsite to recharge your electricity. With its super solar panels, you will have everything you need to live off the electricity grid.

Technology 09 Aug, 2021 by Techvisit 1848

In England, these bus stops become gardens for bees

Since the main role of bees is pollination, the city of Leicester in England has decided to revegetate its bus shelters, nearly 500 in total, to fight against the decline of these essential workers.

Education 09 Aug, 2021 by Techvisit 1324

UK: European Consumer Organization also opposes WhatsApp's privacy policy

European consumer rights group BEUC alleges that the way the company has changed its policies is not transparent and users cannot easily understand it. Quite disturbed by the company's new policy, many users are now going to Signal and Telegram.

Social-Media 13 Jul, 2021 by Techvisit 2737

Virtual currencies are subject to additional regulation.

The Sichuan province administration announced identical regulatory measures to halt cryptocurrency mining that the Inner Mongolia autonomous area had already implemented.

Technology 26 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1342

Midnight Trains, the French startup that wants to turn old trains into rolling hotels

The services of a luxury hotel in a night train to travel long distances in complete serenity, this is the bet of an ambitious French startup.

Education 26 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1794

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