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All COVID-19 vaccine trials by the University of Oxford and Wuhan show promising early results

it is very early to make too many assumptions regarding what these early trials indicate.

Science 21 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 1370

Windows 10X may not arrive before 2021

Microsoft's Surface Neo could be delayed by 2022

Software 21 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 1552

Apple's grand store in China in the wake of William Barr's criticism

The new store features Apple's first integrated solar array in China's retail store, allowing it to supply power to the store below, just like all of Apple's renewable energy plants worldwide.

Story 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 1696

India issues Twitter notification after the recent hacking of users such as Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates

Cyber attackers hacked into Twitter accounts of global high-profile users — including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and many corporate leaders, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk — on Wednesday in a supposed bitcoin scam.

Social-Media 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 1311

Disney has recently stopped spending on Facebook ads

Dozens of businesses had already vowed to block Facebook advertising in July.

Social-Media 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 2131

Twitter disables Trump retweet video after Linkin Park file copyright lawsuit

The band said they had not approved the use of their song "In the End" by the Trump campaign.

Social-Media 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 2578

The British Government is asking Japan to help develop its 5G cellular networks without Huawei, Nikkei reports.

The UK listed NEC Corp and Fujitsu Ltd as possible alternate suppliers to Huawei, the company announced regularly, without specifying sources.

Education 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 2832

The Government of Pakistan has agreed to extend the reach of the Ehsaas Emergency Cash System

The emergency cash system was introduced in April of this year. The budget agreed initially amounted to Rs. 144 billion for nearly 12 million beneficiaries.

Technology 20 Jul, 2020 by Techvisit 1320

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