New reports have come out of hacking campaigns linked directly and indirectly to Russia's war in Ukraine. Many experts had predicted earlier that Russia could launch significant cyber attacks in Ukraine in order to cripple the country's cyber security system
08 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
Hackers have managed to breach security and successfully steal internal data and source code for Galaxy device from Samsung, the South Korean company said in a statement.
07 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
The leaders of Ukraine made an announcement that their country was accepting donations in the form of crypto currency in a desperate attempt to support its military defense against Russia.
07 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
The ongoing covid19 pandemic which struck the world in 2019 and wreaked havoc all across the globe has completely changed the way people think and act. People look at things from a completely new perspective. Millions of people were forced…
05 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
Unchain Ukraine has vouched for transparency and will spend all the donated money on migrant support, psychological support, food, communication, protective equipment, medicine and other supplies.
04 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
With new advancements in technology, the distinction between common person and celebrity seems to have been blurred. Every person who has access to high speed internet can have his or her voice heard through different social media platforms. Tik Tok…
03 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit
Human beings are social creatures. We long for companionship and in order to fulfill this requirement many of us establish various relationships with people so that we can thrive and move forward in life. There's no denying that being socially…
03 Mar, 2022
by Techvisit