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Which is better: Bitcoin or Real Estate? Why is Real Estate a Good Investment for Investors? explains why real estate investing is a better alternative than bitcoin. What Are the Benefits of Investing in Real Estate?

Education 07 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1427

Pakistan Railways will switch to solar electricity at 155 stations.

The project's capacity has been anticipated to be 2308 kilowatts and 3.2 million units per year, with a 20% efficiency to be generated in a year.

Technology 07 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1761

New government regulations may compel YouTubers and Facebook sites to get operating licenses.

The proposal to establish the media regulatory authority has been largely rejected by journalists, activists, and the opposition, who have termed it as “an unconstitutional and draconian law.”

Social-Media 07 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 2437

This yacht for millionaire adventurers can sail 6 weeks without touching land

Enough to cross 6000 nautical miles in one go, which is enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean or reach the poles without refueling.

Story 07 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1342

This solar-powered cargo bike charges while you pedal

Specially designed for delivery people, this bike reduces the energy consumption of a traditional electric bike by 50%. Good news for the environment ... and traffic jams.

Science 07 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 2538

These solar-powered sailboats sail the seas to fight climate change

About a hundred of these machines navigate solo in order to identify aquatic populations and map the seabed.

Story 06 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 2239

Made in Toulouse (France): an electric plane capable of transporting 19 people without polluting

The Aura Aero should eventually allow emissions-free regional flights. In flying clubs, a new generation of pilots already have their eyes shining.

Technology 06 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1417

As in Stargate, this portal allows you to connect to any city in the world

Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, "The Portal" allows residents to see in real time what is happening 600 kilometers away. And futuristic innovation, as we imagine, could soon be available in other capitals.

Technology 05 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 2043

Nebula: electric scooters and scooters that make you want to make love to them

Colors, shapes, lights ... Nebula machines are an ode to softness. They will make you love your neighbor, whether he rides a scooter or a scooter.

Technology 04 Jun, 2021 by Techvisit 1256

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