Two-wheelers fear cars, pedestrians fear scooters, and everyone is afraid of scooters that slip by… What if all this tension came from the appearance of our machines, built for speed and "penetration in the air? As the manufacturers say? And for mobility to once again become a way of bringing us together, wouldn't it be enough to soften the shapes? These two questions, the Nebula range answers today with a scooter and a scooter, both electric, and that we want to embrace tenderly (to put it mildly).
Oh my dildo. Their fairings are polished like pebbles, drawn around rounded designs in hues ranging from pure white to fleshy pink. With these creations, the Hong Kong studio Oneobject wanted to recall the creative function of urban micro-mobility as a link which " allows us to be more free, fast and agile to get to where we want ". And all "in harmony" they indicate on their site. A great program.
With your fingertips. To emphasize this human essence, the controls are exclusively tactile, on a transparent screen. Unlocking is done without a key, by fingerprint. The LED headlights shine from the very inside of the front fascia or from under the platform, as if a life vibrates inside. A desire to humanize that immediately affects drivers and residents. At this point, Oneobject has only unveiled the concept and made its prototypes on a 3D printer, but the studio has released a scooter in the past. So we wouldn't be surprised to see the next crowdfunding campaign arrive.