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SpaceX will launch Masten's first Moon Lander in 2022

The scientific equipment on Masten's Lander will allow the Agency to research the lunar south pole by collecting key data on the location.

Technology 27 Aug, 2020 by Techvisit 2227

YouTube has taken more videos than ever before, relying more on non-human moderators.

In-office staff reductions due to coronavirus meant that it reiled more on its auto filters.

Social-Media 27 Aug, 2020 by Techvisit 1809

Elon Musk promises a working Neuralink device demo on Friday.

The company is developing technology for the brain-machine interface

Education 27 Aug, 2020 by Techvisit 1313

Facebook takes down the call to arms event after two shots dead in Kenosha.

'Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city from the evil gangsters tonight? 'Asks the Facebook Group

Social-Media 27 Aug, 2020 by Techvisit 2732

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