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Uber is going to need some riders to take mask selfies

If you are spotted by a driver without a mask, you may need to take a selfie.

Education 02 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 2246

Apple launches iOS 13.7 with support for the upcoming adaptive update feature COVID-19.

The technology, created jointly with Google, would help to reduce the burden of the need for dedicated applications.

Software 02 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 1762

Apple has mistakenly allowed a commonly deployed malware to run on Macs.

Malicious software is continually evolving, and Apple's notarization scheme lets us keep malware off the Mac and allows us to act quickly when it's detected. Upon discovering this adware, we revoked the detected version, disabled the developer account, and revoked…

Software 01 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 2510

Amazon's Prime Air drone delivery fleet receives FAA clearance for commercial trial flights

Amazon also said that it will conduct its own delivery experiments, but it has not shared any information about when and when exactly they will begin.

Technology 01 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 2327

Apple is now encouraging developers trapped in the App Store jail to apply bug fixes to their users.

Apple announced that they have revised the App Store review policy rules to encourage developers to continue submitting bug updates even though they are actually in a standoff with the product review team.

Education 01 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 1333

Republican chief is posting bogus footage of injured people on Twitter.

The now-deleted tweet has a video with edited commentary in the electronic voice of Ady Barkan, who has ALS.

Social-Media 01 Sep, 2020 by Techvisit 1770

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