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Google is bringing Halloween to life using Augmented reality (AR)

Google has been playing with AR features on Google Search for some time , offering 3D models of animals, locations, spaceships, celestial bodies like the moon, planets and more, as well as biology terminology, anatomical systems, chemistry terms, plus vehicles,…

Technology 31 Oct, 2020 by Techvisit 1862

Russian hacker group allegedly attacked state democratic parties in the recurrence of the 2016 attacks

Reuters says the organisation has attempted to hack Political parties in two states as well as many think tanks.

Technology 31 Oct, 2020 by Techvisit 2287

White House officials found Elon Musk to be a coronavirus ad campaign

The CEO of Tesla was among 250 people pursuing an ad campaign to "support" the president.

Story 30 Oct, 2020 by Techvisit 1919

Apple's iPhone 12 seems to have a hidden wireless reverse charge feature

Could be used to charge potential AirPods or Apple long speculated "AirTags" trackers.

Technology 29 Oct, 2020 by Techvisit 1733

Facebook India's controversial head of policy resigned

Activists called for Ankhi Das to resign, citing escalating violence against Muslims in the region.

Social-Media 28 Oct, 2020 by Techvisit 1753

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