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U.S. flails against TikTok's latest CFIUS deadline update

The court order also forbids the government from blocking the software.

Education 14 Nov, 2020 by Techvisit 2213

Facebook is continuing the election ad ban for another month as Trump declines to accept.

The organization believes that its moratorium on ads would help to minimize compensated misinformation

Social-Media 12 Nov, 2020 by Techvisit 1801

Blockchain Grain Exchange Network See Commercial Launch for Tap Russia Market

Allowing exports of up to 20,000 metric tons, Swiss-based Cerealia aims to have quicker trading and more traceability using blockchain technology.

Technology 11 Nov, 2020 by Techvisit 1398

Apple will release MacOS Major Sur on November 12.

Featuring great interface improvements and innovative software features

Software 11 Nov, 2020 by Techvisit 1734

SpaceX successfully launches the US Space Force GPS III spacecraft

SpaceX used the first stage of the launch of the brand new Falcon 9 and successfully recovered the rocket booster from a controlled landing on its drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean.

Science 11 Nov, 2020 by Techvisit 1663

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