
Why to choose 5G over 4G

The 3 main variations in connectivity between 4G and 5G are greater speed, higher bandwidth, and reduced "latency."

1. Speed:

  1. 5G will be almost 100 times faster than 4G is expected. You could download your two-hour movie with a pace like this in less than 10 seconds, a process which takes approximately seven minutes on 4G (no longer panic when you attempt to download your entertainment before a flight starts).

2. Capacity:

  1. With 4G, A massive number of devices can't be handled by the network infrastructure, resulting in less data speeds and long download time.
  2. This problem – and then some – is expected to solve by 5G. A significantly higher network capacity than 4 G is expected in the next generation. This will not only mean a better relationship for all phones, so you can boast more easily about playing the big game in social media. It enables many, many more devices to be connected to the network.

3. Latency:

  1. This problem – and then some – is expected to solve by 5G. A significantly higher network capacity than 4 G is expected in the next generation. This will not only mean a better relationship for all phones, so you can boast more easily about playing the big game in social media. It enables many, many more devices to be connected to the network.
  2. Latency is the time between when you send a text to a friend's phone, and when their phone detects that a new message has been sent. Although latency is calculated in milliseconds, all of those milliseconds add up when sending and receiving massive packets of information for anything as complex as video — or self-driving car data.
  3. Latency is still small with 4 G, but 5 G is going to make it almost zero.

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