
Unintentionally, OnePlus disables 'X-Ray' filter by updating its global telephones

OnePlus has accidentally updated an over-the-air filter which can deactivate a filter that can see thin black plastics and clothing in certain cases.
Whilst One Plus stated on 19 May that the Chinese version of its operating system will temporarily disable the filter in an update, it did not plan to remove the filter from its global software. OnePlus instead said that the filter would be updated. In the recent update, the filter has still been removed for people outside China.
In order to capture light that is not visible for human eyes, an X-ray effect is created using the infrarot sensors built into the OnePlus 8 Pro.
The feature was designed for the creation of interesting pictures. But it was checked when people realized that they could see through the clothing sometimes.
The pictures at the top of the post, taken from a video shared by Ben Geskin on Twitter, show you how the filter is seeing through black plastic. And in this video of Unbox Therapy you can learn how the filter can view a thin black T-shirt.
The Verge also experimented, finding that 'there is only very thin black plastic working that is a little glimpse in the right light' and that it is 'hit or miss' in clothing.
According to update notes of XDA developers, the Photochrom filter "was temporarily removed for adjustment." According to the developers of the XDA, the filter is due to come "around June" without an exact time. A user reported seeing similar update notes on OnePlus boards. Android Police has installed the update and confirmed the removal of the Photochrom filter.
"This OTA went to a limited number of devices inadvertently," a one-plus spokesman told the Verge. In the next over-the-air update it will be re-activated, the speaker said. This statement was shared by OnePlus on its blogs.

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