
Twitter begins to bring 5 G and COVID-19 fact checking tweets.

Theory of conspiracy claiming to connect 5 G technology with the coronavirus has been around since the early days of the pandemic, and is still apparently strong.
Twitter began to apply a label on COVID-19 and 5 G tweets and encouraged users to "get the information" about the virus. As reported by Business Insider, a click across the label brings a source page that collects information that links to pages such as BBC and Snopes. The scheme was linked to a series of incendies on 5 G towers earlier this year.
A very wide implementation of Twitter's new wave of fact-checking labels emerges, including on tweets that make jokes or references to the label itself.
The recent instance of the evolving Twitter platform moderation effort is to expand its fact-care labels to apply for coronavirus 5 G conspiracies. The labels stop a step away from the scanning or the whole deletion of content and then provide additional explanations and encourage users to come to conclusions themselves.
In the least, the warning labels should help the platform's most credular users with their mild wording to flag unfaithful content.

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