Between earth and sky. Flying cars are trivial ... One day, everyone will move like this. No, what it would take to really stand out is something like… a flying yacht. And, fortuitously, someone conceptualized one. His name is Yelken Octuri , he's a French designer, and he imagined the Flying Yacht, a trimaran capable of transforming into a jet plane. Wild.
Oh my boat… Inspired by some legendary flying maritime constructions like the Soviet Ekranoplan , the Flying Yacht is, on paper, a small feat. In "boat mode", its 56 meters long and 27 wide offer enough interior space to accommodate 10 people. In "airplane mode", the wingspan of 90 meters and the four engines make it possible to reach a theoretical top speed of 242 mph (approximately 390 km / h).
But the advantage of the Flying Yacht is obviously its 4,270 square meters of sails, spread over four masts, capable of retracting when the masts lower to become wings. Transformers IRL.
Future reality? Still in the draft stage, the Flying Yacht seems, according to its designer, more destined to remain a designer fantasy rather than an object to be produced in the future. Yet according to him, technically, the project could be feasible in 20 or 30 years. That eccentric billionaires on the lookout for crazy projects (hello Elon Musk) take note.