
The women sextech is the future- what are you searching for?

Innovation is taking place at lightning speed in this industry. Sextech work with multi-haptic systems, IA and biomimetics will not be long before it spreads into other industries. It's already going on in some places. In 2016, 38 patents for multimedia and biological monitoring systems were submitted by Apple.

The same technology that enables you to engage in a clever sex toy works its way into future Apple Watch iterations. In fact the multifunctional technology behind Huggies' pregnancy, that allowed fathers to feel the baby's kicks in real-time, has been made possible by sex toys thanks to the matching belt around her belly.

Sex toy brands such as Osé, OhMiBod and Lioness show that the diagram in Venn slices overlaps with sextech, femtech, and health and wellness. The technology is interesting but its role in the cultural debate is more relevant to advertisers and communicators.

At present, these sextech products made by women have a larger platform than it had been two years ago. It opens up new ways to speak to women, brands and influencers about our sexuality.

These brands seriously incorporate stories about sex toys in the same language as those used in the health and wellness industry. This is not to suggest that each brand is willing to speak to them. The Telecom Giants may not be prepared to begin communicating with their customers about smart vibrators – yet; however, they must know that their female audience is going to talk about it.

The sex-positive feminism movement has allowed the cultural conversation to suddenly enforce strong women's voices. And women and children are doing the most ground-breaking research in sextech.

It would be short-sighted for marketers and communicators not to pay attention to these brands and the impact they are prepared to create.

A long road to mainstream acceptance is still ahead. There are still no ads for the Sextech products on Facebook and Instagram, but cultural standards change. And these disturbances give challenger brands and visionary marketers the opportunity to lead the traditional leaders of the wider category.

If women's wellness and health are not adapted, the marquee brands risk losing their place. Sales capability is jeopardized if women do not present what they want now.

We know that women want this and, rather than using brands, they themselves invent the class in an area which was mainly male-dominated, like so many others.

What is different in 2019 is that, when the men's market is fully saturated, women will not wait for female complementary product on the market. Women who are also strong consumers are owners of their sex life. Are you paying attention with 50 billion dollars on the table?

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