
The Dash Wand barcode scanner is stopped by Amazon

Amazon ends its Dash wall support, an Alexa-enablesd device that allows shoppers to scan barcodes for foods and order essential households from their homes.
The Company said in an e-mail to users that the devices are no longer available from 21 July. Shoppers still can add items on a shopping list with other Alexa-enabled devices, the Company has noted.
The Wi-Fi Dash Wall was released in 2017 and was a few inches long and made with white and black plastic, updating the original Dash devices from Amazon.
Amazon is now complete with Dash Wall, an Alexa driven device which can scan food bar codes for shoppers and organize vital households from their own homes.
The company said the software would be inaccessible by 21 July in an email to customers. The company also says that consumers can add products to a shopping list with some Alexa-activated devices.
The WIFI-enabled Dash Wall was released in 2017, an update for its original dash device in Amazon, several centimes long and made of white and black plastic.

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