
Spotify will now help you check for the lyrics so that you can find one song trapped in your head.

For those moments where you're always singing the line of a song, but you just can't recall what exactly the words came from, Spotify can help you with that. You can also scan for songs using their iOS and Android lyrics (via 9to5Mac).
The functionality appears fairly straightforward — enter any of the lyrics in Spotify's search bar, and the app will show songs that fit. Songs that could be what you're looking for will have the "Lyrics Match" tag, as you can see in this tweet from Spotify designer Lin Wang:
I could see how lyric searching could be a really useful function, particularly for people like me. I'm pretty terrible at recalling the album names, but I can usually recall the main line of the chorus. It seems like that's everything I need to know to be able to find a song on Spotify that's trapped in my head.
However, Spotify is catching up with Apple with this feature — Apple Music has allowed you to scan for songs using lyrics since 2018.
This is not the only lyric-related feature Spotify has recently launched. In June, the company launched the real-time lyrics given by Musixmatch to 26 countries. That's also a catch-up feature for Apple Music, which added real-time lyrics to last year's update of iOS 13.


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