
Spotify tests interactive podcast ads so that no promo code has to be recalled.

Spotify wants to make sure you never again forget the promotional code of a podcast advertiser. Today, the firm revealed it is currently testing a "In-App Deals" feature that provides podcasts with the opportunity to hold an integrated connection to their episode pages that leads to the web page of an advertiser when clicked. The promo code is inserted on the webpage automatically. In this way , people do not need to recall promo code podcast advertisements or quit their way on the website of an advertiser.
Apparently the new feature is only the start for interactive ads from Spotify.
Jay Richman, the advertisement director and platform at Spotify, tells The Verge that it is looking for ways to "create more of a direct channel for brands" such as getting users into their website with an automated promoting app.
"I think you can begin to work together, just on the basis of the model we see this opportunity, as a potential roadmap might look like," Richman says. 'Therefore, it's one step in making the coupon code a big creative way.
The research will be introduced for the first time on the Last Left podcast by Harry's in the US and on the Herrengedeck podcast by Hello Fresh in Germany.
Only as long as the campaign goes, will the interactive tool be live on each episode page and not all audience.
In January Spotify began its ad-insertion streaming technology, or SAI, which brings ads into podcasts as people listen. This means that ads are targeted in real time based on the demographics of a person and other data points. In the news of today, the organization says that the platform is spreading to additional advertisers in the United States and choosing advertisers in Germany. SAI is only used for the exclusive shows of Spotify at this very moment. A speaker says that they have 100 shows that are monetizable.


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