One of Spotify 's largest original podcast bets, The Michelle Obama Show, is being unveiled today and the launch of a new product feature comes along: shareable quote cards. People in the study will be able to click play on the show, and fun cards with quotations available for sharing will appear automatically. They can then select the quote they want to post and pick from the posting tools that span the major social networks, such as Instagram , Snapchat, Facebook , and Twitter. Of course, the concept behind these quote cards is that they reinforce the speech of Obama, as well as that of his guests and the series in general.
Many podcasting firms have played with audiograms or exchanged audio samples of overlaid phrases. Spotify's own Anchor launched a feature like this in 2017, and Overcast encourages fans to share the moments they 're especially appreciative of. In the case of Spotify, it depends exclusively on text, not audio. This even preselects quotations, but listeners can not exchange individual excerpts that correspond with them. Still, a static picture with a connection back to the show might be enough to push viewers to try it out.
Part of Spotify 's attraction to producers, or at least whether it can distinguish itself, is how it aids podcasters in promoting themselves. It buys subway advertisements, puts deals on other Spotify shows and on the app itself, and provides podcasts on playlists. A shareable quotation is yet another, smaller weapon in the arsenal. However if it only draws a few hundred viewers, it might make a small dent in the popularity of the series and demonstrate Spotify 's effectiveness as a podcast producer, marketer, and seller.