
Testing with GeoPeeker :Spot-check a website worldwide

GeoPeeker is a web development tool that allows for easy remote viewing of a site from various geographic locations. It's useful for spot-checking region-specific content or to make sure DNS adjustments propagated properly when launching a site. Even, GeoPeeker is very useful to troubleshoot CDN and caching issues.

What can it do?

  1. Look at regional variations
  2. Check whether a site is located in other countries
  3. Compare site's DNS records from various locations
  4. See if a website is down to you, or to everyone
  5. Tests the global distribution of DNS
  6. Troubleshooting issues storing content

GeoPeeker was created using the Dinkly PHP Framework.


See regional divergences

Using GeoPeeker to ensure that Region-specific content is displayed on your pages.

Steady Peeks

Creating an advanced peek and customizing resolutions, rendering wait, user-agent settings and locations for peek.

Check with Global DNS

With GeoPeeker you can ensure your DNS updates are properly propagating and keep track of changes over time.

Site Accessibility

There's no better tool to answer the age-old question: Is it down to me, or to everyone?

Troubleshooting Details

In addition to providing source code for the app, GeoPeeker can also tell you your site's ping timings from various presence points around the globe.

Full-function API

Using our friendly API to integrate the features of GeoPeeker into your own applications.

GeoPeeker does not depend on proxies, but on actual servers which are physically present in the specified locations. What you see, with a few exceptions, is what a website looks like to a user in that location.

GeoPeeker only provides screenshots of the submitted site and is not intended to give full access to the submitted site by browsing. You should find yet another option for this level of regulation.

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