
Slow internet could severely affect at-home work revolution

Data from Cisco research shows that a huge number of workers across the globe are having their remote and hybrid work severely affected by poor broadband connectivity.

According to the company's latest broadband index which was released last month, a research was conducted upon 60,000 workers in thirty countries to learn more about their home broadband access, quality and usage. These findings clearly show that the people today treasure access to the internet more than ever and believe that universal access to a fast, reliable connection may play a crucial role in development of an affluent and civil society.

The new hybrid-office and remote work business models that emerged in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic rely heavily on the internet connection employees have access to. According to the research conducted by CISCO, while 84% of respondents actively use broadband at home for four hours or more a day, 75% of workers said broadband services need drastic improvements to support the number of people who work.


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