
Researchers are developing masks which lighten when coronavirus is detected

A small team of MIT and Harvard scientists might soon come up with a mask to light up, Business Insider said.
The technology developed for Ebola and modified to deal with Zika in 2016 is now being updated to classify cases of coronavirus.
As defined in the study , the team develops a mask that produces a fluorescent signal when an infected person breathes, toys or snees.
"As we open our transit network, you can imagine that it can be used at airports when we go through security as waiting on a plane. Hospitals may use this as a pre-screen of who gets infected for patients as they come in or wait in the waiting room, "Jim Collins, who has led the tool study, said in the paper.
The new technology may be a big leap forward in combating the coronavirus pandemic, although the development is only at the initial stage. The new masks may be very useful for medical professionals, instead of waiting for the tests, to locate and treat patients on the spot.


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