Pastec is an open source database and OpenCV based image recognition search engine. It can recognize flat objects like covers, packaged goods, or works of art. Nevertheless, it was not designed to recognize images, 3D objects, or barcodes, nor QR codes.
For example, Pastec can be used to recognize DVD covers in a mobile app, or detect close to duplicate images in a large database.
Pastec does not store the images' pixels in its database. Thanks to the visual words technique it stores the features of each image.
Intellectual Properties
Pastec is based only on the free OpenCV packages available for commercial use. Therefore you will be able to use Pastec without charging a patent licence.
Pastec more specifically uses the patent-free ORB descriptor and not the well-known proprietary SIFT and SURF descriptors.
Source Code:
How to Compile?
Pastec requires OpenCV 3.X, and libmicrohttpd and libcurl to be compiled. These packages can be activated with the following command on Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libmicrohttpd-dev
If you're using a different distribution or operating system, you may need to compile it yourself.
Pastec uses cmake as framework for construction. You need Git to obtain the source code, too. They can be activated on Ubuntu by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install cmake git
To compile Pastec, use the following command first to get the sources:
git clone
cd pastec
Build a folder for compilation then:
mkdir build
Go to the following subdirectory and run cmake:
cd build
cmake ../
Finally, to compile Pastec, run make:
To start Pastec simply run the executable pastec. It takes the path to a file which contains a list of visual ORB words as a mandatory statement. For now, please use the visualWordsORB.dat format. Next Pastec releases will include resources to create your own visual word list.
./pastec visualWordsORB.dat
The default passtec port listens to the REST API is 4212. The -p argument helps you to set another port. You may also send the -i argument a path to an index file to load.
Using a simple HTTP API, Pastec can be managed. It listens to the 4212 port by default but you can modify this with the -p argument.
Pastec answers are always in JSON format. They contain a compulsory form field defining the obtained result or an error. Every picture has a corresponding I d that is a 32 bit unsigned integer. This Id sets out the relation between the images and their signatures in the index.
All the images submitted must have dimensions greater than 150 pixels. When one image size reaches 1000 pixels, the image is resized such that the maximum size is set to 1000 pixels and the original aspect ratio is retained.
A full list of calls to the API here is:
Add a picture to its index
This call allows adding an image 's signature to the index to make it available for search. To define it you must have the image's compressed binary data and an id.
Path: /index / images/![]()
HTTP process: PUT
Data: binary image data to be inserted compressed in JPEG or a JSON that includes the image URL in the field "url"
Type of answer:"IMAGE ADDED"
Possible error types: ""IMAGE_NOT_DECODED", "IMAGE_SIZE_TOO_BIG", "IMAGE_SIZE_TOO_SMALL", "IMAGE_DOWNLOADER_HTTP_ERROR" with the HTTP status code in the "image_downloader_http_response_code" field.
To give an example:
Command line with data from the image:
Command line with image data:
curl -X PUT --data-binary @/home/test/img/1.jpg http://localhost:4212/index/images/23
"image_id" : 23,
"type" : "IMAGE_ADDED"
Command line with an image URL:
curl -X PUT -d '{"url":""}' http://localhost:4212/index/images/26
"image_id" : 26,
"type" : "IMAGE_ADDED"
Removing an image from the index
This call removes the signature of an image in the index thanks to its id. Be careful to not call often this method if your index is big because it is currently very slow.
Path: /index/images/
Answer type: "IMAGE_REMOVED"
Possible error type: "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND"
Search request
This call performs a search in the index thanks to a request image. It returns the id of the matched images from the most to the least relevant ones.
Request JPEG images with a size approximately equal to 450x340 pixels and a 75% quality are usally enough to achieve a good matching. Their small size allows to quickly send them over a mobile network.
Path: /index/searcher
HTTP method: POST
Data: the binary data of the request image compressed in JPEG or a JSON containing the URL of the image in the "url" field.
Answer: "SEARCH_RESULTS" as type field and a list of the the matched image ids from the most to the least relevant one in the "image_ids" field
Command line with image data:
curl -X POST --data-binary @/home/test/img/request.jpg http://localhost:4212/index/searcher
"image_ids" : [ 2, 5, 43 ],
Command line with an image URL:
curl -X POST -d '{"url":""}' http://localhost:4212/index/searcher
"image_ids" : [ 8, 12, 73 ],
Clear an index
This call erases all the data currently contained in the index.
Path: /index/io
HTTP method: POST
Answer type: "INDEX_CLEARED"
Possible error types: -
Load an index
This call loads the index data in a provided path.
Path: /index/io
HTTP method: POST
Data: a json with a type field of value "LOAD" and a "index_path" field that set the path where to read the index.
Answer type: "INDEX_LOADED"
Possible error types: "INDEX_NOT_FOUND"
Command line:
curl -X POST -d '{"type":"LOAD", "index_path":"test.dat"}'
"type" : "INDEX_LOADED"
Save an index
This call saves the index data in a specified path.
Path: /index/io
HTTP method: POST
Data: a json with a type field of value "WRITE" and a "index_path" field that set the path where to write the index
Answer type: "INDEX_WRITTEN"
Possible error types: "INDEX_NOT_WRITTEN"
Command line:
curl -X POST -d '{"type":"WRITE", "index_path":"test.dat"}'
"type" : "INDEX_WRITTEN"
Ping Pastec
This call sends a simple PING command to pastec that answers with a PONG.
Path: /
HTTP method: POST
Data: a json with a "type" field of value "PONG"
Answer type: "PONG"
Possible error types: -
API Python
You will also find a tiny python API in the python subdirectory of the source directory, which is actually just a wrapper of the HTTP API. We encourage you to read the small source to the code to understand it.