
Lets do Virtual conference on Love and sex with robots

The International Love and Sex with Robots Conference in 2020 will only be online with several other organisations that understand the seriousness of remaining alone during the latest COVID-19 pandemic.
The conference will take place on December 7 and 8, 2020, hosted by Virtual Brain City Berlin and will run on the Cisco Webex video platform.
The organisers also asked people in the field to submit papers, as well as to provide the opportunity for their participants to take part in a number of activities related to the study of "Intimate Relations with Robots," as the event puts it.
The special issue of the Behavioral Robotics Journal "Love and Sex With Robots" will be published.
Dr. David Levy 's Special Best Paper Award 2020 also includes presentations.
The conference this year focuses both on start-ups and on sexual robotics. Topics may include smart sex equipment, tele-education, clone robots, gender strategies, and robo-ethics.
The conference is open to presentations on these subjects, as mentioned above. Those interested in being elected to attend the event, as well as their work, must submit proposals before 5 September in the Behavioral Robotics Journal.
Those who want to participate must pay $299 for complete registration in the meantime. Graduates, the press and others, however, may apply for a slightly lower fee. A free love and sex with a robots conference T-shirt will also be given to participants.
Notable speakers of keynote
At the moment there are two prestigious keynote speakers planned for the Love and Sex with Robots Conference.
The first one is the Berlin School of Economics and Law Professor for Enterpreneurship (BSEL), while Sven Ripsas is the Berlin MBA Entrepreneurship Academic Director.
Professor Doctor Ripsas' many achievements include research into corporate and entrepreneurial innovation , business models development and entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurial education.
He is joined by Dr Ingo Rollwagen, a professor in the field of creative and knowledge management at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.
He has also served on the Daimler Chrysler Associate and Technology Research Group 's technical and education and corporate foresight. His doctorate degree focused on synchronization of virtual reality and immersion technology, politics , economy, and science.
Professor Dr. Adrian David Cheok is also well known on the field and he has contributed to organizing past love and sex with robots conferences, together with Dr. David Levy who also attended.
The Chair of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University system, Chair Nicola Liberati, and academic chairs include Prof. Dr. Alexiey Dingli, University of Malta; Prince Akinwale Ojomo, Royal Highness, and Raffles University, Dr. Bosede Edwards in Iskandar, to name only a few.
Years of challenges and discussion
Any news from the current Love and Sex Conference with robots must be tempered by observing how past events were full of problems, which sometimes resulted in last-minute moves if not cancelled.
We addressed this in great depth beforehand, but some of these instances also need to be briefly discussed in order to bring the 2020 conference on the agenda.
Originally scheduled for 2015 , Malaysia was the third love and sex with robots event. The government of that country threatened to arrest the organizers if they had done so.
This led to a postponement of the conference and then a transfer to London. Even then, the place remained secret until the last moment after the threat of what he called 'Muslem Extremists' had been stated by Adrian David Cheok.
Starting with RealDoll CEO Matt McMullen, the 4th conference is schedured for the winter of 2018. But, after a huge uproar over the organizers inviting right-wing Breitbart News co-founder Steve Bannon for their address, it was abruptly canceled.
It should be noted that unlike most other conferences, ACE (Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology) does not sponsor the current conference and is now an independent event.
It could be interesting December
In this sense, we will need to see if the 2020 Conference on Love and Sex in Robots brings a number of challenges.
This move from physical to online may also help to leave the problem-stricken history behind the conference.
In all cases, virtualism has, like other things, a very distinct advantage: that before love and sex with robots could only be met in person, they can now provide a much greater number of people with the same amount of knowledge.
Such 'more people' mean that this important subject is made more aware: one more important during these days of # staying athomia, when so many people are seriously struggling with soul and emotionally and sexually separated.


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