
Its Now easier for Twitter to display quotes on iOS

Twitter has introduced a new way to see how many people shared and commented on a tweet. But it can only be found on iOS edition of the app, the company today announces.
All retweets with comment are grouped in a convenient list with the new feature. You will have the retweet split into two columns – one that reflects on the retweet (or a "quote tweet"), and a list of retweets with no comments. To view it, tap on a tweet and select 'Retweets.'
While you can view quotation tweets, copy and paste a URL of a tweet into the search box for Twitter for that reason. (The feature rolling today tends to be a much simpler way to see retweets with comments at once. For example, when looking for an above-mentioned embedded tweet.)
The feature isn't yet available to me, but Twitter tells The Verge that most iOS users will see the update today. Twitter also announces to The Verge that in the coming weeks it will go to the web app and Ios.


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