The COVID-19 pandemic has engulfed India in recent weeks, with a sharp increase in new incidents. As a result, many people are scrambling for essential necessities in order to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic that has afflicted the entire nation. SOS calls for the requisite conditions for COVID-19 patients have been amplified online by many people and volunteer organisations. There has been an explosion of posts through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the last week searching for services such as hospital bed availability, oxygen supply, plasma from recovering patients, critical medications, and more. Here's a comprehensive list of official and crowdsourced COVID-19 services that you might find useful.
17. Kerala: Check the availability of hospital beds across Kerala here: https://covid19jagratha.kerala.nic.in/home/addHospitalDashBoard
Helpline: 0471-2552056
18. Madhya Pradesh: The government of Madhya Pradesh has a dedicated website for checking the availability of beds: http://sarthak.nhmmp.gov.in/covid/facility-bed-occupancy-dashboard/
19. Maharashtra: In Mumbai, COVID-19 war rooms have been set up which are taking care of providing information about the availability of beds. The central helpline number is 1916 and there here are the contact details on a Ward basis. Also, check out the official Twitter handle of BMC Mumbai which is providing regular updates on COVID-19.
Apart from this, there are some cities in Maharashtra that are maintaining a dedicated website for the availability of beds which are as follows:
Navi Mumbai: https://nmmchealthfacilities.com/HospitalInfo/showhospitalist
Pune: https://www.divcommpunecovid.com/ccsbeddashboard/hsr
Thane: https://covidthane.org/availabiltyOfHospitalBeds.html
Nagpur: http://nsscdcl.org/covidbeds/AvailableHospitals.jsp
Nashik: http://covidcbrs.nmc.gov.in/home/hospitalSummary
Helpline: 020-26127394
20. Manipur: There isn’t an official website that is monitoring the availability of beds in hospitals of Manipur but the government has a COVID-19 website that offers details on the COVID designated hospitals in the state. The COVID-19 helpline for Manipur is 1800-3453-818 and 3852411668.
21. Meghalaya: The government of Meghalaya has an active COVID-19 website that displays the availability of beds in the state. Check it out here: https://meghealth.in/MeghCare.html
22. Mizoram: The state of Mizoram has an active COVID-19 website but that does not offer real-time status on the availability of beds. However, the government has issued a bunch of helplines for people. The toll-free number is 102. COVID-19 helpline is 0389-2323336/2322336/2318336. The COVID-19 Control room contact is 1070/0389-2342520/7629072785. Alternatively, people can reach out to the control room via WhatsApp on 9366331931.
23. Nagaland: There is an active COVID-19 website providing details about the new cases in Nagaland and contact details but it does not offer details on the availability of beds in hospitals. That said, the government has set up a COVID-19 war room which can be reached at 0370-227003
Helpline: 7005539653
24. Odisha: The state of Odisha has an active COVID-19 website that provides information about the spread of the disease in the state. It lists the details about the COVID hospitals but does not offer real-time data on the availability of beds. The COVID-19 helpline for people to reach out on are 1075 / 104 / 011-23978046 / 9439994859
25. Puducherry: Here is the link to the COVID-19 website made by the government which keeps a track of new cases, bed availability in hospitals and provides necessary contact details: https://covid19dashboard.py.gov.in/
26. Punjab: The state of Punjab has an active COVID-19 website that provides information on the designated COVID-19 hospitals. However, there is no real-time data for the availability of beds. Alternatively, people can contact the COVID-19 helpline at 8872090029.
27. Rajasthan: The state of Rajasthan provides details of hospital bed status and also maintains a COVID-19 website. You can check the availability of beds in hospitals of Rajasthan here: https://covidinfo.rajasthan.gov.in/COVID19HOSPITALBEDSSTATUSSTATE.aspx
Helpline: 9439994859
28. Sikkim: The government of Sikkim maintains a dedicated COVID-19 website where it provides up to date information regarding the new cases. However, it does not offer real-time data on the availability of beds in hospitals. The COVID-19 helpline for Sikkim is 104 and people can also reach out to the control room at 204996 (East)/ 234538 (North)/ 250999/250633 (West)/ 264442/263722 (South).
29. Tamil Nadu: The government of Tamil Nadu maintains a COVID-19 website that provides details regarding the availability of beds in hospitals as well. You can check it out here: https://stopcorona.tn.gov.in/
Helpline: 044-29510500
30. Telangana: The Telangana government has a dedicated COVID-19 website that offers details and resources on the cases in the state. The COVID-19 helpline number is 104 and the control room numbers are also listed on this website. As for the availability of beds in hospitals, you can check out this separate website made by the Health Department of Telangana:
31. Tripura: There is a dedicated COVID-19 website by the government but it does not list the availability of beds in hospitals. Alternatively, people can reach out to the COVID-19 control room by the helpline numbers: 0381-2315879/2412424/2413434/2410111/2411622 and 8414-969-592.
32. Uttar Pradesh: The Uttar Pradesh government has recently launched its real-time bed availability tracker in hospitals. It is expected to be up and running with more data on all the hospitals by the end of this week. Meanwhile, the official COVID-19 helpline for UP is 1076/1070 and 1800-180-5145. You can check out the availability of beds in hospitals here: http://dgmhup.gov.in/EN/covid19bedtrack
33. Uttarakhand: The state of Uttarakhand has a dedicated COVID-19 website that keeps a track of new cases and also offers details about the availability of beds in hospitals. You can check it out here: https://covid19.uk.gov.in/bedssummary.aspx
34. West Bengal: The government of the West Bengal Health and Family Welfare department’s website keeps a track of the new cases in the state and provides information on the availability of beds in government and private hospitals every day. Alternatively, the Check it out here: https://www.wbhealth.gov.in/
Helpline: 1800313444222, 03323412600