
Google reports targeted Trump and Biden campaign employee emails to foreign hackers

Foreign hackers have been targeting staff's personal e-mail accounts for President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump 's Presidential Campaigns, Reuters reports. It looks as if Chinese government-sponsored hackers have tried to threaten workers for the Biden camp, while Iranian hackers have targeted Trump's email accounts.
She tweeted that hackers had attempted phishing of the emails of campaign staff, but it had "no sign of compromise." The Google Threat Analysis Group 's chief was Shane Huntley.
A Google spokesman told The Company Verge that the attacks had not been successful and that the information had been sent to the federal enforcement agencies. "We encourage campaign staff to use their work or personal emails with extra protection and we provide security resources like our Advanced Protection Program and free security keys for qualification campaigns," said the spokesperson.
The campaign was aware of the phishing attempt in the campaign, Matt Hill, the National Deputy Press Secretary for Biden said.
Hill told The Verge in an email that the campaign takes cybersecurity seriously and will "bear vigilant against these threats." "We knew from the start of the campaign that we are being subjected and we're prepared for them."
A Trump spokesperson said it "was informed that foreign actors were unsuccessfully trying to violate our employee technology. We take care about cybersecurity and don't talk about our precautions.
This was apparently not the first time Iranian hackers tried to get emails from Trump's campaign. Microsoft said last year that an Iranian group, alternately known as Phosphorous, APT35 or Charming Kitten, was unsuccessfully trying to enter emails from the presidential campaign. The campaign in question was later identified as Trump's by Reuters.
Email hacking is a particularly challenging issue for US political campaigns following the successful phishing of thousands of emails by Russian hackers in 2016 from the Democratic National Committee.


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