
Google Communities are carrying out a redesign that involves enhanced web platform

The Google Groups Material Design revamp, which has been in beta for many months, will become the norm for all apps beginning next week, the organization revealed in a blog post. The new gui, which has many "especially desired features," according to Google, includes a revamped smartphone style, modified shared inboxes, and removes tags and categories in mark classes.
Web Community overhaul would erase the old and shockingly obsolete look and make it look closer to the desktop edition. It would also make it easy to browse and scan for social apps, monitor community settings and read group conversations.
Labels would encourage users to browse and scan for messages within a community. The Shared Inbox Upgrade, which encourages employees to use the Google App as an email server, provides filtering and fast searching such that people in a community can locate messages in a network.
The new Google Groups will be open to all G Suite customers and will start rolling out on 15 September.


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