
Facebook prohibits publicity which threatens races or religions

"Facebook means giving a voice to people, and this means particularly people with less voice or power to express their own experiences," he said in a town hall announcing reforms. "This is a matter of letting people talk. "To ensure our platforms comply with these principles is truly important."
The restrictions are part of a series of changes that Facebook is making before the elections in the United States in 2020.
In the 72 hours directly before the election, the organization aims to track proactively details on voting conditions, with tougher guidelines for posts that appear to bully or deceive during the election era.
The election posts include an automatic link to the new voting information center of the company which is intended to provide authoritative information on the elections.
Facebook and Instagram applications are popular at the Voting Information Centre.
Facebook also introduced a new policy to allow a post to stay on the website due to its public interest value if it breaches the website policies. Under the new scheme, Facebook would mark the content as an exception to the newsworthiness of a few times a year.
These changes are being brought about by an ongoing boycott of the Color of Change that calls on the advertisers to stop Facebook spending in response to the perceived inability of the company to speak with moderate hate.
Major companies like Unilever and Verizon joined the boycott and all planned ad purchases have been cancelled by the end of the year.


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