
China launches high-resolution remote-sensing satellite : Can India compete?

China has successfully sent its planned Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north Chinese Shanxi Province a high-resolution, multi-mode imaging satellite to Friday.
A Long March-4B carrier rocket started the satellite at 11:10 a.m. The Chinese National Space Administration reports (Beijing Time).
The satellite is an optical satellite with a civil usage remote sensing resolution up to the submeter level. It works in a Sun-sync orbit.
It can supply high-precision image data from remote sensing across multiple industries including surveys, mapping, natural resources, emergency management, agriculture, ecology, residential and forestry.
The mission was also launched with another satellite intended to popularize teenagers' space science. It conducts scientific experiments, including the transmission of images and voice data.
The China Academy of Space Technology has developed both satellites.
The 337th rocket series was launched on Friday.
Source: Xinhua

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