
Check List for WordPress Manual Testing

QA of Wordpress Demo site

QA Pass Indicates the Item is Present, QA Fail indicates its not present. QA Pass and QA Fail are just an indicatior to understand Clear about how can we Create a report of Testing. You can choose any other way to indicate your Testing.

Wordpress Quality Guideline


  1. Use Skeletan Theme     QA Pass
  2. Latest WordPress Installation  QA Pass
  3. No core file modification QA Pass
  4. No issue while updating WP later QA Pass

Small details:

  1. Fav Icon QA Fail
  2. Define Open Graph (OG) QA Fail
  3. Correct header tags QA Pass
  4. Image alt attributes QA Fail
  5. link title attributes QA Fail
  6. External links "Nofollow" attribute QA Pass
  7. meaningful names for images QA Fail
  8. Clean HTML code QA Fail
  9. Logo replace in the backend QA Fail
  10. SEO friendly URLs QA Pass
  11. Robots.txt file QA Fail
  12. Google Analytics QA Fail
  13. Google Places Listing QA Fail
  14. Standard Copyright: QA Pass
  15. Copyright QA Pass
  16. Design Credit QA Pass
  17. Spell Check Up QA Pass
  18. File Clean Up

By Default plugins

  1. Installation of All in one SEO pack or similar SEO plugin QA Fail
  2. Code should be SEO friendly. QA Fail
  3. Security plugin QA Fail

Coding Standards

  1. HTML code should be validated W3c QA Fail
  2. CSS styles should be Validated W3c QA Fail
  3. Clean HTML code (HTML 5) QA Fail
  4. External Javascripts / Styles


  1. Site should be Tested and properly function in All the following Browsers, Operating system, and devices
  2. IE 8 to + QA Fail
  3. Firefox QA Pass
  4. Chrome QA Pass
  5. Safari QA Pass
  6. Windows QA Pass
  7. Mac OS Platform Not available
  8. Linux Platform Not available
  9. iPhone , iPad QA Fail
  10. Android mobiles and pads QA Fail
  11. Responsive QA Fail

Standard Plugins that needed to be installed

  1. Contact Form 7 QA Pass
  2. Contact Form DB for storing the contact emails in database (if necessary)
  3. Yoast SEO plugin for wordpress
  4. WP super cache plugin in the time of final delivery(to make the site loading faster,only after making site live but not in development phase) QA Fail
  5. Antimalware plugin from ELI(it will find out and remove the malwares from the site’s pages) QA Fail
  6. Google XML sitemap generator QA Fail


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