
Cancelation of TwitchCon San Diego

The pandemic has brought a halt to TwitchCon San Diego, the largest annual US streaming platform conference.
"We have decided in a statement to annul TwitchCon San Diego because of the restrictions on large gatherings and continuous health and safety concerns of our community, the Twitch team and the local San Diego community this Fall.



The event was planned from 25 September to 27 September. Still, Twitch leaves it open, and sounds like it might take place online, so it can host TwitchCon sometime this year. "We are exploring ways we can unite in a different dimension later this year, although we can't gather in person," Twitch said.

Twitch canceled the Amsterdam TwitchCon scheduled for 2 and 3 May in March. And just this week, organizers of the PAX conference cancelled the PAX West in-person Show in Seattle scheduled for the weekend of Labor Day, which will include a new online PAX Online conference scheduled for the middle of September.
Many other big game activities, including E3 and the Conference of Game Developers, were also excluded from warning for COVID-19.


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