
Bryony Cole talks about the future of funbots and the first sixtech Hakathon in New York.

Bryony Cole has joined us in talking about the future of sex, telephone and sex robots in the shocking SFW podcast Future of sex.
Cole expects that many of us will have sex with a robot by 2047 and think that many of our children will first experience sex with a robot before trying it with a human person.
This does not only mean that the media and the world remain squashed with the theme of sex robs.
Cole also holds a Sextech Hackathon from New York City on 10 June 2017, 99 Madison Ave, 15th floors, from 9:30am to 8 pm in the ThoughtWorks office. Here you may RSVP.
It's difficult to speak honestly about sex and tech and Bryony made it fun of all kinds. Listen in, please.
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