
After Apple and Google have prohibited Zynn removes controversial pay for the feature.

Zynn no longer pays users to watch videos and refer friends to the app, a practice in which both Apple and Google app stores quickly reached the top of the TikTak clone.
A new reward system called Zynncheers is replacing the payment function. In addition to commenting on and like videos, Zynncheers always gives users points for viewing videos.
There are no rewards for points — no money or anything else — which makes the big difference at the moment.
In the app, Zynn tells users that they will be "advantaged and rewarded" by the collection of Zynncheers. "The Zynncheers' use we have some plans, but your [sic] ideas need more," says the service. Zynn was approached by the Verge.
Zynn is still keen to keep up something similar to the model that has helped it grow so fast — offering users rewards for using the app. It does seem, however, that with the new program Zynn plans to do something else and that users actually have no chance of receiving cash or gift cards.
In the past, the information indicated that Zynn 's creator, Kuaishou, used the pay-to-watch model to be a great TikTok rival in China.
The application was launched in May. At the end of the month Zynn had overtaken TikTok on the chart of the Apple App Store, reflecting new installs and close to the top of Google Play Store .. Google disabled the app last week because users believed content was being stealed, Zynn said .. This week Apple removed the app.
That means the only people that even have Zynncheers now are those who have installed the app on iOS or Android before it was taken away from the two App Store(s).
The reason for Zynn 's removal from app stores has been video plagiarism, and so it's not clear that his controversial pay-to-see model was a role player. But the elimination of the feature at that stage suggests that one or both sites may have been an issue — other social media apps do have copyright infringements but still remain in the store.
In reality, besides its cash rewards, Zynn can not be used over TikTok. It's nice to beat the same game, but with a lot fewer users making new videos. Users still feel annoyed by the new program with Zynn subreddit.
"This app is shit now," mentioned by a erson. "This update sucks ass," another thread added.


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