The main variety of sex toys for use includes hand-held devices, sometimes with hands-free functionality. Many of them have different output modes in the form of vibration or pressure. The sex dolls have artificial intelligence, but they are not yet fully developed. Yet there is a lot of unexplored application of the advanced technologies of machine learning that is not being used.

One of the AI-driven vibrators I've come across is Hum, a robotic penis that recognizes vaginal muscle movements and reacts accordingly. This opens up a new possibility for smart sex toys.
There is a significant gap in the customization of sex toys and it is currently limited to color and limited output modes. With Machine Learning, there is a chance for a toy to learn about a human who is not limited to muscle activity, but the length of use and time of use to better understand the context and develop sexual interactions accordingly.
Each has a mix of specific points of sexual pleasure and knowing that, and therefore relaxing, the user will be more likely to use the smart device.
Due to the complexity of the application, attracting participants for user studies is a challenge. This makes it difficult for the HCI community to grasp the effect of technology and design while keeping the limitations and consumer expectations in mind. Below are a few ways I believe that sex technology will evolve and expand its scope.

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