Mr. Deepesh Neupane & Miss Anamika Tiwari
4G, relatively a New Technology for Nepal
4G is about to go mainstream in Nepalese market. A Five years old technology is finally taking a leap in the Nepalese market. Nepalese mobile market has seen a breakneck rise in the last few years, and it doesn't look like the growth will recede anytime soon.
The country has witnessed nearly 3 thousand and 5 hundred mobile set brands. However, only the latest launched mobile sets work in 4G network.
Among the top competitive brands Apple is still not in performance of 4G, this is because Apple account has not provide NTC to access 4G network. NTC is working with Apple to work out this problem, very soon IOS users can access the 4G network.
4G bands and frequencies
When compared to 3G, 4G offers greater bandwidth at a lower latency, with downloads quoted in the vicinity of 45Mbps.
However, receiving those speeds is entirely reliant on network connectivity and congestion. 4G services 100 Mbit/s for high
mobility communication (such as from trains and cars) and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility communication (such as pedestrians and stationary users). In develop countries 4G speed is nearly 45 Mb/s however NTC claims to provide 32.4 Mb/s.
While using the given technology users have experience speed limited to 20-25 Mb/s and that too limited to postpaid Mobile services users among Kathmandu and Pokhara valley only.
Carriers often saw a high amount of congestion on their networks, which meant that most customers never saw the claimed
download speeds.
NTC is focusing primarily in FDD-LTE standards to offer 4G connectivity in the country.
According to the report, almost 92 per cent of mobile Internet users in Nepal use instant messaging apps and almost 60 per cent
use news apps. Mobile search, online music and videos, as well as online payments were also among the most popular mobile
In the race of technology upgrading, we seems to be out of a league. Rather than providing 4G in all smart phones and mobile networks,
it would be better if telecom can plan to deploy in post-paid sim in the areas where internet access is highly required where data
get updated in time of seconds.
In present situation , civilians are still not satisfied with 3G system provided by the company, it is very necessary to make 3G
satisfying among citizens and boosting 4G for the sector where livelihood depend on network or internet.
Mr. Deepesh Neupane ( associate member - www.nepalcrisis.com)
Miss Anamika Tiwari (Sr. Associate - Leadin Professional T echnology)